Thank you very much for participating in the Fast Casual State of the Industry 2018 survey. We realize the survey is detailed, but your answers will go a long way toward painting a vivid, accurate picture of the current best practices, health and energy of this most vibrant of restaurant segments.

As a small thanks, we're drawing the name of one individual who completes the survey to win a $100 gift card to Amazon. Please enter your name and email address at the end of the survey so we can be sure to include you in that drawing. Additionally, by completing this survey, you will be given a coupon code for 20% off the purchase of the final Fast Casual State of the Industry 2018. We will send the code to your provided email address. You must complete the survey to be eligible for the drawing and coupon code.

The survey comprises seven sections:

I. Your brand
II. Your workforce
III. Your thoughts on strategy
IV. Your approach to digital technology
V. Your approach to sales and marketing
VI. Your growth and development
VII. Your food and beverage

All survey responses are confidential and will not be shared beyond FastCasual.