Event Driven Actions (EDA) Focus Group Followup

Thank you for attending the EDA Focus Group! If you have any feedback, any other EDA use cases that you would like to request, any further discussion for our development team, or would like to participate in our beta -- now is the time to let us know! 

Are there any EDA use cases that your organization would find useful that we did not present? Please let us know here and include how high of a priority it would be for you:

Question Title

* 1. Event Driven Action Suggestion 1: 

Question Title

* 2. Event Driven Action Suggestion 2: 

Question Title

* 3. Event Driven Action Suggestion 3: 

Question Title

* 4. Are you interested in following up with us or participating in our beta?

Question Title

* 5. Please include the following so that we know who is suggesting the EDAs above: