Question Title

* 1. Contact Details

Question Title

* 2. Guardians Contact Details

Question Title

* 3. What is your date of birth?


Question Title

* 4. Year at School

Question Title

* 5. Area

Question Title

* 6. Hub

Question Title

* 7. Unit Name

Question Title

* 8. ID Number

Question Title

* 9. Which retreat do you wish to apply for:

Question Title

* 10. Please put your second choice

Question Title

* 11. My Ranger Leader is aware of my application to attend the retreat

Question Title

* 12. What is your leaders name?

Question Title

* 13. Date you completed your Peak Award


Question Title

* 14. Dietary Requirements

Terms and Conditions

Question Title

* 15. I give you permission to contact my leader to ascertain my suitability for this event. 

Question Title

* 16. My emergency contact and personal details on OGM are up to date

Question Title

* 17. I understand this trip needs to run at full capacity for fixed costs to be covered. Therefore should I withdraw after acceptance, a refund will only be given if a replacement is found. If I withdraw because of medical reasons a partial refund may be available on presentation of a medical certificate.

Question Title

* 18. I understand payment must be made at least 21 days prior to the retreat

Question Title

* 19. I acknowledge that I am responsible for all travel costs and that I am not to book travel until I have received the acceptance letter, which will advise suitable arrival/departure times.

Question Title

* 20. Is there any other information we should know which may assist with your application?