Annual Budget Workshop

Thank you for joining us in Sacramento for the Annual ACCCA/ACBO Governor's Proposed Budget Workshop! Please take a moment to help us understand the value of this years' event to you, and how we might improve it for the future.

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* 1. How did you first learn about the Budget Workshop?

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* 2. We know that you have access to snap analyses of the Governor's proposed budget as soon as it is released.  What motivated you to also come to Sacramento for this event?

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* 3. Our morning budget analysis panel provided a variety of perspectives on the Governor's proposal, and some insights on what to look for as it develops.  What additional information would have been useful to include that you didn't hear?

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* 4. If you want to elaborate on any of the panel speakers or content, you can do that here:

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* 5. Our main keynote came from economist Mark Schniepp of California Forecast.  Did you find his presentation helpful?

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* 6. The afternoon panel focused on the complexities of the Student Centered Funding Formula [SCFF] and it's further implementation in the 2020-21 budget.  Did you find this panel discussion useful?

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* 7. Do you have a recommendation for a speaker at the next workshop?

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* 8. Indicate if you agree with these statements:

  Strongly Agree Agree Disagree Strongly Disagree
Advance notification of the event was sufficient & registration was easy
I felt my time was well spent
The staff was helpful and I felt I was well taken care of
I would recommend this event to a colleague

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* 9. Do you plan to attend the Budget Workshop next year?