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Duke Street In Motion Logo
This feedback form will be open through July 31, 2021.

You can view the survey in Spanish here / Puede ver la encuesta en español aquí

You can view the survey in Amharic here / የዳሰሳ ጥናቱን እዚህ ጋ በአማርኛ ማየት ይችላሉ

The City of Alexandria is excited to announce the kick-off of Duke Street IN MOTION, an 18-month project focused on ensuring that transit improvements in the Duke Street corridor, from the Landmark Mall area to the King Street Metro Station, align with all users’ needs, wants, and expectations. This project will build on previous studies and gather additional community input that will be used to create a final plan.

Your voice matters! Community input will be used to create a vision for this corridor and steer the eventual outcome of this effort, including potential bus, bicycle, pedestrian, micromobility (for example, shared electric bikes and scooters), and other improvements that can enhance conditions for all travelers along the Duke Street corridor.  

To view FAQs and learn more about Duke Street IN MOTION, please visit

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Duke Street In Motion corridor map
This Feedback Form

On this feedback form, we are asking you a set of questions that will help the City of Alexandria formulate a community vision and goals for the Duke Street IN MOTION process. The vision and goals will be used in the next steps of the process, to weigh the pros and cons (or trade-offs) of different options.
  • We will ask you a series of questions about your experiences on Duke Street, and what you would like to see in the future.
  • Though the focus of this project is transit improvements, we want to hear about all of your experiences traveling along or to Duke Street, since the City will consider complementary improvements to facilities for walking, riding a bicycle, driving, using a scooter, and other ways to get around the corridor.
  • We will compile and summarize all feedback we receive through this form, as well as comments received at other discussions, the webinar, pop-up events, and via email.
  • We will share a summary with the Duke Street corridor community so that you can see what we heard!
Please note that answer options are provided on this feedback form, but they are only a starting point – we want to hear how YOU experience traveling along Duke Street and what YOU hope to see in Duke Street’s future.

Thank you for joining us for this important first public input opportunity to help create the community-developed vision for Duke Street IN MOTION!
Duke Street in General

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* 1. In one word, how would you describe the Duke Street corridor today to someone who is not familiar with the area?

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* 2. What is the number one thing that you appreciate about the Duke Street corridor today?

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* 3. What is the number one thing that you dislike about the Duke Street corridor today?

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* 4. If you were to leave and come back in 10 years, what would you hope to see changed or preserved along the Duke Street corridor?

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* 5. In five words or fewer, how would you describe your ideal future Duke Street corridor?

Traveling on Duke Street

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* 6. How do you usually travel to or around the Duke Street corridor (now or before COVID)? Select your top three most frequently used travel methods.

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* 7. Either now or before COVID, how often have you traveled by transit (bus) along the Duke Street corridor?

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* 8. When you think about how you choose to travel in general, how important are each of the factors below?

  Not at all important Somewhat important Very important
Congestion / time of day
Flexibility / convenience
Predictability / reliability
Parking availability
Comfort / experience
Need to travel with many items (e.g., groceries)
Cut-through traffic
Needs of others I am traveling with (e.g., children)
Travel time
Traffic delays
Environmental sustainability
Activity / fitness
Personal traffic safety
Other (please specify)

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* 9. What are your top three biggest current challenges when it comes to traveling along the Duke Street corridor today?

Future of Duke Street

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* 10. Would you use transit (bus), bike, or walk more often along Duke Street if there were improved, safer, and more efficient options? (You can tell us more about the types of improvements you would want to see below.)

  Yes Maybe / I would need to learn more about my travel options No
I would ride transit (bus) more often
I would walk more often
I would ride a bicycle more often

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* 11. How important do you think the following types of transportation improvements would be to enhancing mobility in the Duke Street corridor, making it easier to get around, and keeping all travelers in motion along the Duke Street corridor?

  Not at all important Somewhat important Very important
More or improved sidewalks
More or improved bike lanes or trails
More shared scooter accommodations
Improvements to bus stops (e.g., real time arrival information, comfortable waiting areas)
Less traffic/congestion
Additional pedestrian or bicycle crossing locations
Improvements to bus travel (e.g., more stops, faster travel, enhanced reliability)
Improved safety at intersections
More Capital Bikeshare locations
Other (please specify)

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* 12. How interested are you in seeing the following types of transit-specific improvements on the Duke Street corridor?

  Not at all interested Somewhat interested Very interested
Improved pedestrian and bicycle access to / from bus stops
Improved bus waiting areas (shelters, benches, etc.)
Bus signal priority (Video)
Dedicated bus lanes
Public art incorporated into bus stops
Real-time bus arrival information at bus stops
Other (please specify)

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* 13. What, if any, concerns do you have about potential transit-related improvements to the Duke Street corridor?

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* 14. Is there anything else you would like to share with the City of Alexandria about the Duke Street corridor?

Please tell us about you (optional)! 

This information will help us understand who we are hearing from in order to tailor our outreach and engagement efforts to reach a representative portion of the Duke Street community.

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* 15. Age

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* 16. Race / Ethnicity (select as many as desired)

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* 17. Gender Identity

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* 18. Household Annual Income Level

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* 19. Please tell us about your primary residence

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* 20. ZIP code (home)

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* 21. ZIP code (work, school, or other most frequent destination)

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* 22. Number of people in your household

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* 23. Number of vehicles available to people in your household

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* 24. Would you be interested in participating in additional discussions about improving travel on Duke Street?

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* 25. If you responded "Yes" or "Maybe" to the previous question, please provide your name, email, and phone number.

Thank you again for taking the time to provide your input to improve transit and the conditions for all travelers along the Duke Street corridor. Your voice matters and we are listening!

To learn more about Duke Street IN MOTION, please visit
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