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Learn to ride a motorcycle in Western Australia
About this quiz
  • This quiz consists of 35 multiple choice questions.
  • Select the answer that you think is correct.
  • Some questions include images.
  • You must attempt all 35 questions in order to review your results.
  • Quiz questions are based on the Ride Safe handbook.

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* 1. Whilst learning to ride, you must:

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* 2. If your vehicle is impounded under anti-hoon legislation, all associated costs are the responsibility of:

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* 3. What must you wear if you are a passenger being carried in a sidecar?

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* 4. Which of these are legal requirements for pillion passengers?

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* 5. What type of footwear offers the most protection whilst riding a motorcycle?

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* 6. When riding in very heavy rain, a film of water can build between the tyres and the road which is known as “aquaplaning” which can result in lack of control. How can you avoid this happening?

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* 7. When should you consider increasing the tyre pressures on your motorcycle?

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* 8. What is a likely effect when riding a motorcycle in the cold?

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* 9. What is recommended to help manage fatigue when riding, even if you are not tired?

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* 10. Which of these increases your stopping distance?

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* 11. In relation to riding at night, riders need to be able to:

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* 12. What is the main purpose of wearing reflective clothing whilst riding?

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* 13. What is the main reason for wearing sturdy clothing, including boots and helmet?

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* 14. In the diagram which motorcycles are in the cars blind spots?

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* 15. Before riding off on a green traffic light what should you do?

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* 16. Which pair of factors should you take into account when determining crash avoidance space

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* 17. How long will it take an average rider who is fit, concentrating, alert and not affected by alcohol, drugs, fatigue or a distraction, to respond to a sudden and unexpected change in traffic conditions?

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* 18. When is it safest to apply your brakes?

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* 19. What can cause your motorcycle tyres to skid and lose their grip on the road surface?

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* 20. What should you do to move off safely from a parked position?

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* 21. What should you normally do before stopping?

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* 22. What does the diagram represent?

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* 23. What two things should you do when travelling behind a bus that pulls up at a bus stop?

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* 24. In the diagram, who should you give way to?

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* 25. If you are approaching a Stop Sign with no line marking on the road, where should you stop?

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* 26. If you are turning left into a street where a pedestrian is about to cross at the intersection, who has right of way?

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* 27. In the diagram, who should you give way to?

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* 28. From the diagram, you are riding in a lane with a left turn arrow only and have reached the area where the line markings are continuous. Can you change lanes or drive straight ahead?

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* 29. How early should you indicate your intention to turn?

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* 30. What should you do when approaching a 4 way intersection where the traffic lights are not working?

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* 31. What should you do if you have stopped at a pelican crossing where a person is crossing slowly in front of you and the lights change to green?

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* 32. Why should you never wave people across at pedestrian crossings?

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* 33. You intend to leave a 3 lane major arterial road at the next exit on the left. Before you reach the exit, you should normally position your motorcycle:

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* 34. What should you do when following a long and large vehicle that is approaching a roundabout and the driver signals left but moves to the right?

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* 35. Why shouldn't you remove an injured motorcyclist's helmet if they are lying on the road?

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* 36. How useful was this information?