Igor Stravinsky Top 10 WFMT wants to hear your take: what are Igor Stravinsky's most important works?Vote for, rank, and then explain up to five choices, and help us create a definitive ranking of the iconoclastic composer's greatest music! Question Title * 1. Please enter your first name and last initial Question Title * 2. Please enter your email address Question Title * 3. What are your favorite works by Igor Stravinsky? Select between 3 and 5 options from the following list Agon Apollo Circus Polka Concerto for Piano and Wind Instruments Concerto in E-flat "Dumbarton Oaks" Ebony Concerto Elegy for JFK The Firebird Four Studies, Op. 7 Funeral Dirge, Op. 5 Movements for Piano and Orchestra Les Noces Octet Oedipus Rex Perséphone Petrushka Pulcinella Renard Requiem Canticles Rite of Spring Septet Song of the Nightingale Symphonies of Wind Instruments Symphony in Three Movements Symphony of Psalms The Rake's Progress The Soldier's Tale Three Pieces for String Quartet Violin Concerto in D Other (please specify) Next