Thank you for participating in this survey. Your feedback is important.

The operating costs at the Transfer Station and Brush Dump have steadily increased, making this department the third most expensive to operate. In 2023-24, the Transfer Station and Brush Dump cost taxpayers $241,000 to operate. We can do better. This survey is gathering information to make informed decisions on how our current system for disposal can be improved. Your community input is needed. The results of this survey will be released to the public, and there will be a Select Board meeting for public discussion and input on decisions.

Question Title

* 1. First, about you.

What is your age category?

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* 2. What is you residential status on the island?

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* 3. Do you own property and pay taxes on Chebeague Island?

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* 4. If you own property, do you ever rent out your property?

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* 5. Do you own, operate or run a business on Chebeague Island?

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* 6. Hours of operation at the Transfer Station

The Transfer Station currently operates six days a week in the summer for 27 hours/week and four days a week in the winter for 21 hours.

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* 7. Would you like to see the schedule change?

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* 8. Comments on the hours of operation:

Question Title

* 9. Brush Dump

The Brush Dump has been filling up and the volume of wood products has become a safety issue. Piles of wood and chips create a potential fire hazard in addition to making it difficult for the equipment to operate safely. The expense of chipping the brush and trees in 2023-24 was over $21,000, and the final costs this year are expected to be significantly higher. The increase is due to the volume of wood. The chipping was further complicated by damage to the machines caused by pieces of plastic and metal mixed in with the wood products. Chebeague is the only island in Casco Bay with a brush dump on public land. It is time to look at solutions.

Question Title

* 10. Should a fee be charged for brush and wood disposal to offset the cost of chipping and removal?

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* 11. Should the Brush Dump charge a fee for commercial use, with the fee passed to the consumer?

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* 12. Should the Brush Dump charge a fee for residential use?

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* 13. Comments about the Brush Dump

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* 14. Composting Solutions

The FDA estimates up to 24% of municipal waste could be composted. Composting of food waste would save thousands of dollars in waste disposal, and the fully composted material would become available to add to soil for nutrients.

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* 15. Do you currently compost at your Chebeague residence?

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* 16. Would you like to see a food waste composting program available at the Transfer Station?

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* 17. How likely are you to participate in island composting if the program is easy and convenient?

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* 18. Hazardous Waste

The Town of Chebeague Island budgeted $6,000 to dispose of hazardous waste. Examples include electronics, chemicals, paint, some household cleaners, pesticides, and fluorescent bulbs. Fees are collected at the Transfer Station when hazardous waste is dropped off, but these fees do not always cover the full expense for disposal, which needs to account for both barging and mainland disposal fees.

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* 19. What percentage of the cost for hazardous disposal should be covered by the fee being paid?

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* 20. Comments about hazardous waste disposal

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* 21. Pay Per Bag

In order to offset operating costs, should the town consider a "pay per bag" or "pay as you throw" program? This program is common practice at many communities on the mainland and some islands. This program ensures that each customer pays according to how many bags they dispose at the Transfer Station, and would apply to both residential and commercial customers. Generally, two sizes of bags would be available for sale. Recycled materials would continue to be free of charge.

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* 22. Should the town consider a "Pay Per Bag" program?

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* 23. Comments about the Pay Per Bag program:

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* 24. Thank you for completing this survey. Any final comments?