DRESS Syndrome is a potentially life-threatening, drug-induced disease that is often not diagnosed or reported properly. It is estimated to occur in 1 in 1,000 to 1 in 10,000 drug exposures. Currently, there are very few large databases of DRESS cases. By registering your case here, you can help ensure that your case is counted and provide us with a better understanding of drugs that cause DRESS and the complications that patients experience.
The DRESS Syndrome Foundation collaborates with medical researchers who are working to identify the genetic factors that predispose a person to DRESS and the associated long-term complications. If you give your permission, we will contact you if we know of an active study that is relevant to your case of DRESS.
We will never share any personally identifiable information you provide with researchers (or anyone else) without your explicit permission. Your response to this survey will be kept confidential to the best of our abilities.