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* 2. Please apply a value to every item on the ballot (1-10, with 1 being no interest and 10 being critical).

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Allow user choice of sources of  hub/shroud contours for fitting (e.g. from blade sections, from hub/shroud surface points, or from guide curves)
2. Use polynomial optimization techniques in the fitting process to minimize differences between parametric and original
3. Support easier import of blade and edge data from models with single blade surface or 2 surfaces joined at leading edge
4. For variable fillets defined by a curve on the hub/shroud allow the definition to be converted to a table of radius vs. distance
5. Add 3D reconstruction of multistage geometries from surface data
6. Create streamline curves from point cloud (i.e. from laser measurements)
7. Import properly aligned QOs (i.e. do not refit points on the hub and shroud) to maintain the original spacing of the points

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* 3. Please rate the technical capability of this product:

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* 4. Please rate the technical support of this product:

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* 5. Would you recommend this product to a colleague?