Customer Feedback Survey

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* 1. When visiting CAPLP do you feel welcomed?

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* 2. Are CAPLP offices and classrooms clean and easy to access?

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* 3. Are you treated with respect by CAPLP employees and volunteers?

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* 4. Have you received help in a timely manner?

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* 5. Do you receive the information and services you needed?

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* 6. Are you provided with information about other services available at CAPLP?

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* 7. Would you recommend CAPLP to a friend or family member?

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* 8. Which of the following services does your family currently access? (select all that apply)

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* 9. Has there been a time when you needed help and there were not any services in our community available?  If so, please list services below.

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* 10. Select one item that you feel would help you the most in your journey to become financially stable.

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* 11. Any additional comments, concerns or feedback for our team?

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* 12. I am (check all that apply)

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* 13. What county do you live in?

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* 14. What age groups are part of your household? (Check all that apply)

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* 15. What is your racial or ethnic identity? (Select all that apply.)