All nominations are due by March 27. If you would like to view and submit this nomination form as a PDF, please submit the completed form to Donita Volkwijn ( You can find it on our website:
Dear colleagues,
Thank you for nominating a young leader to participate in Philanthropy New York's 2024 Young Leaders Breakfast Club cohort. The Young Leaders Breakfast Club (YLBC) is a ten-month cohort-based network and leadership development program. YLBC is geared toward philanthropy professionals who have five to fifteen years of experience, with an intentional focus to engage communities historically underrepresented in the philanthropic sector.
YLBC creates a space for participants to build relationships across a diverse community of professionals, work on personal and collective learning agendas, and practice leadership skills. Through YLBC, we are building a more community-based philanthropic sector dedicated to equitable, inclusive, collaborative and innovative philanthropy.
If you haven’t already, I encourage you to read the full program description on our website:
Participating in YLBC is a significant professional commitment and requires some time out of the office or on Zoom during work hours. Organizational support of this young leader's participation in YLBC is critical and ensures that this program is a successful experience for all young leaders and the mentors who have offered their time.
Why do we need YLBC?
Philanthropy is steeped in tradition, which has led to homogeneity in the demographic and skillset of those chosen to lead. As Philanthropy New York has learned, leadership defined by tradition is not creating the transformational change necessary to center equity in the philanthropic sector. YLBC not only encourages participants to learn but offers opportunities to identify the ways in which they already lead change and have their voices heard.
We aim to accept around 30 PNY members in this year's YLBC cohort. Due to high demand, we often need to limit the number of participants from any one organization to ensure the cohort represents PNY's organizational membership. Thank you again for your nomination. We are delighted to offer this program as one of the many ways we support philanthropic professionals at all points in their careers. We hope you will encourage your staff to take full advantage of Philanthropy New York's many programs, networks and resources.
Please don't hesitate to reach out to me if you have any questions.
Donita Volkwijn, Senior Director of Member Engagement
212-714-0699 x208