If you have any questions about this form, email hello@engagedjournalism.com

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* 1. First name

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* 2. Last name

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* 3. Organisation

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* 4. Job title

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* 5. Responsibilities

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* 6. Twitter handle
This information will be included in the list of participants and on your name badge

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* 7. Email (work address)

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* 9. Preferred pronoun
This information will be displayed, along with your name, on your name badge

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* 10. Dietary requirements
Breakfast and lunch will be provided as part of this event

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* 11. How did you find out about this event?

Participating organisations are asked to send two colleagues in order to make the most of, and participate in more than one of, the masterclasses. Which colleague do you intend to attend the event with?

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* 12. First name

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* 13. Last name

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* 14. Email (work address)

Please note that they will need to complete the event registration form themselves by Wednesday 25 September.

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* 15. Describe a community-driven activity/project/experiment that your organisation is currently developing (or could develop) that you think will help it to become resilient, and that you can explore at the event
Maximum 50 words

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* 16. How do you think participating in the event and in the masterclasses will help your organisation better achieve this activity/project/experiment?
Maximum 50 words

At the event, you will participate in one half-day masterclass led by an expert trainer.

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* 17. Tell us which of the following masterclasses you are most interested in by ranking the following sessions from 1 to 5 (1 being the masterclass you least want to attend, 5 being the one you most want to attend)

Please note: masterclass spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served basis. You can read a description of the masterclasses on the event page. 

Masterclass spaces are limited and will be allocated on a first-come-first-served-basis. Make sure that your top choice masterclass is different to that of your colleague, so that your organisation is represented across two of the masterclasses on the day.

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* 18. To ensure that you get the maximum value out of the masterclass, there will be a short pre-event activity that you will be required to complete (this should not take longer than an hour). The activity will be sent to you by the facilitator of the masterclass.

Travel allowance information
Up to 15 travel allowances of up to €400 each are available to help cover transport and accommodation costs for participants. To ensure as many organisations benefit as possible, only one person per organisation can receive the allowance.

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* 19. Do you require a travel allowance to attend this event?

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* 20. If you answered yes, tick one statement that most applies to you about why you need a travel allowance

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* 21. What amount do you need to attend the event?

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* 22. Please provide more information about why attending this event is a useful professional development opportunity in the context of your current role. Be as specific as possible.

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* 23. Do you agree to be contacted via email by the Accelerator team (by Spring 2020) in order for us to understand the impact this event has had on your work?

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* 24. Would you like us to keep you informed of relevant Accelerator opportunities via email after your participation in this event?