Continuing Education Post-test

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33% of survey complete.
To receive contact hours, please read the program in its entirety, answer the following post-test questions, and complete the program evaluation. A certificate will be awarded for a score of 80% (8 correct) or better. A certificate will be mailed within 4 to 6 weeks. There is no charge for CNE credit.


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1. Patients with multiple sclerosis (MS) who are on disease-modifying therapy (DMT) should be monitored for safety and adverse effects of therapy:

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2. A patient with MS in your practice has been prescribed a DMT, but 3 months later has not yet filled the prescription. An appropriate course of action would be:

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3. Electrocardiogram (ECG) and heart rate monitoring are part of the safety monitoring protocol for:

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4. Monthly liver function testing is recommended for patients receiving which of the following DMTs?

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5. Among patients receiving a DMT, complete blood count (CBC) is recommended:

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6. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is caused when:

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7. True or False? Leukopenia due to treatment with interferon-based DMTs has been associated with serious opportunistic infections among patients with MS.

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8. In discussing risk acceptance with a patient in regard to a new MS therapy, the MS nurse should always:

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9. Research about medication use in general shows that patients:

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10. Potential adverse effects of MS DMTs: