Application Form

The Next Level Creative Mentorship Program, run by Accessible Arts and Access2Arts, will take place across New South Wales and South Australia in 2025. The mentorship will provide 10 artists (6 from NSW, 4 from SA) access to mentorship within a leading performing arts organisation and $3000 in project funding to develop an innovative new project. 

Writers, musicians, dancers, choreographers, actors, directors and/or producers who are d/Deaf or a person with disability are invited to apply.

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* 1. Name

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* 3. Phone Number

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* 4. Address

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* 5. Are you over 18 years of age?

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* 6. Do you identify as any of the following? (Select all options that apply)

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* 7. What are your Pronouns?

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* 8. Access Requirements – please outline in detail any support and/or access requirements you may have.

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* 9. Provide a short bio – including examples of recent work, volunteer, study and/or qualifications
(max 150 words)

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* 10. Please attach a CV
(two-page maximum)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

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* 11. Identify the field of your practice by selecting all options that apply

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* 12. Describe the project you would like to develop during the Mentorship Program
(250 words max)

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* 13. Outline three (3) creative and/or professional goals that you would like to achieve during the mentorship

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* 14. How do you plan to ensure that you stay on track and fully engage with the mentorship program? Please provide specific examples of strategies or approaches you use to meet deadlines and remain motivated.
(250 words max)

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* 15. NSW Arts Organisations: Choose the organisation you want to work with. Rank them from 1 (your top choice) to 6.

If you’re from NSW, answer this question. If you’re from SA, skip to the next question.

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* 16. SA Arts Organisations: Choose the organisation you want to work with. Rank them from 1 (your top choice) to 4.

If you’re from SA, answer this question. If you’re from NSW, skip to the next question.

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* 17. How do you prefer to be contacted?

If you have any questions or want to speak to our staff about the application, you can email or call +61 2 9251 6499. Our team is available for phone enquiries from 10am to 5pm on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  

Submission deadline is 11pm Sunday 23 February 2025

If you are successful in your application, there will be additional Terms and Conditions on acceptance in accordance with existing policies of Accessible Arts and Access2Arts.
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