What is Engage? 何謂賽馬會匯創數碼計劃?
JC ENGAGE is an exploration program that provides experiential digital marketing and storytelling workshops, powered by industry professionals and workshop facilitators, aimed at staff members from non-profit organizations in Hong Kong. We also provide digital marketing tools and resources for organizations that are ready and committed to executing a digital campaign. With the help of professional and creative partners, we help NGOs increase their organizational profile and expand their reach.


In this series, you will: 透過影片故事營銷系列,你可以學習: 
  • Realize the importance of video storytelling in the digital world了解故事營銷在網上媒體中的重要性
  • Understand the components of a communication strategy學習傳訊策略的基本要素
  • Learn how to plan and tell an effective and powerful story學習如何策劃及講述強而有力的故事
  • Get help from our skill-based corporate volunteers to bounce ideas and obtain new perspectives, produce an impactful short video and distribute與專業技能義⼯合作,獲取新觀點及意見
(Cantonese will be the primary medium of instruction, with English as a supplement.) (此系列主要以粵語為主,輔以英語教材。)
Eligibility 參與資格
To be eligible for this program, the NGO must: 參與的非牟利機構必須附合以下條件:
  • be a tax-exempt entity under Section 88 of the Inland Revenue Ordinance of Hong Kong 根據《稅務條例》第 88 條獲豁免繳稅的慈善機構
  • have significant local services in Hong Kong 以香港市民為主要受惠者
Priority will be given to the NGOs who are: 以下的非牟利機構可獲優先選拔:
  • able to form a team of 3 members 能派出三名員工以團隊出席
  • able to commit to all key activities 能參與所有活動
Key Dates 重點活動 
Online Briefing Session: Nov 4, 2021 (Thur) 12:30pm-2pm
E-learning:  Before Nov 18, 2021 (Thur) (self-paced)

Online Workshop: Nov 20, 2021 (Sat) 9:30am - 2pm on Zoom/ At NGO office 
Pitch competition: Dec 7, 2021 (Tue), 2:30pm-4pm 

簡介會: 2021年11月4日 (四) 下午12時半至2時
網上學習: 2021年11月18日 (四)前, 自訂進度
工作坊: 2021年11月20日 (六) 上午9時半至下午2時 ,Zoom或非牟利機構辦公室
提案比賽: 2021年12月7日 (二) 下午2時半至4時

Implementation: For the award winners, a kick-off meeting will be arranged within two weeks after the pitch competition with the video production company.

實行: 如你成功獲得獎項,你將會在比賽後的2週內與影片製作公司進行第一次會議。
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17% of survey complete.