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The Idaho Juvenile Justice Commission is exploring needs, resources, and ideas to enhance family engagement in our juvenile system. 
Family engagement is the process used to build genuine relationships with families. Relationships with families support overall family well-being and children's healthy development. When families are engaged, partnerships are created that have a common focus– helping children grow and thrive.
Please help us by sharing your thoughts, critical and constructive, and experiences for the questions in this short survey.
Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions and thank you for all you do!
Family Engagement Committee

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* 1. Which district do you represent?

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* 2. What are the greatest needs to enhance family engagement in your district?

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* 3. What is going on in your district that is working well, and why do you think it has been successful?

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* 4. What failures have you seen, and why do you think they were not successful?

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* 5. How can we best enhance family engagement for status offenders (and other early intervention opportunities)?

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* 6. What have you heard from families regarding their needs and resources?

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* 7. What have you heard from service providers regarding family engagement?

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* 8. What else should we take into consideration about family engagement?

0 of 8 answered