First Generation Migrants' Experience Survey

Welcome to the First Generation Migrants’ Experience Survey.   This survey is a partnership between LMU and IERG. We are interested to learn about your experiences as a first generation foreign born migrant in the U.S.   You are qualified to participate if you came to the U.S. when you were 12 years or older.  Your feedback is very important! The overall results will be shared with other educators and policy makers and will be used to advocate for migrants living in the U.S.  It takes approximately 5 minutes to complete this survey.

The next page will provide you with information regarding the survey and your rights as a participant.  By participating in the survey, you are acknowledging that you meet the requirements to participate, you understand your rights as a participant and consent to participate in the study. LMU requires that all research subjects are also provided with the Human Subjects Bill of Rights.

If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about this research, please feel free to email the responsible researcher, Shideh Hanassab, Ph.D.  at  or Chimin Lee Metzler (OISS/LMU) at  We would be happy to provide resources to your concerns.  We are excited to hear from you!  

Thank you for your participation!