Hello EMS families!

Family and school partnerships are an important factor in a student’s education. We want to know what you think about your school, and how we can better serve you and your student. Please take a few moments to complete this brief survey.

Thank you for your time!

EMS Action Team for Partnerships

Question Title

* 1. Which is the most preferred way you would like to receive communication from Enterprise Middle School? (please rank the choices below; 1 = most preferred, 6 = least preferred)

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* 2. What would be helpful to have more information about?  [select all that apply]

Question Title

* 3. Do you feel communication between home and school is adequate?

Question Title

* 4. I would be interested in the following involvement activities: [select all that apply]

Question Title

* 5. What would you consider the biggest barrier(s) to being involved with your child’s education?

Question Title

* 6. Please check any opportunity you might be interested in volunteering for: [select all that apply]

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* 7. When are you available? [select all that apply]

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* 8. I have more ideas or questions and would like to be contacted.

Question Title

* 9. Please check the grade level of your child(ren) [select all that apply]