1. About This Survey

Ontario Aboriginal Housing Services (OAHS) is working with our three Director Member Organisations: the Ontario Native Women’s Association, the Métis Nation of Ontario, and the Ontario Federation of Indigenous Friendship Centres, to update OAHS’ Policy Framework called the ‘Ontario Urban & Rural Indigenous Housing Policy Framework’.

We are visiting over 20 communities across Ontario in summer / fall 2024 to receive community input on housing priorities. To ensure wide participation we are also inviting individuals to share their feedback through this survey.

The information gathered will be collated into a confidential summary report, which will not identify specific individuals’ identity or feedback. The summary report will inform the renewal of our Policy Framework.

For each of the questions, please select your answer from the options provided and share your input by completing the open fields.
Our survey will be open until the end of October 2024.
To acknowledge our appreciation for your time, each survey participant who shares their contact information will be entered into a draw for an e-gift card that will be drawn monthly! Please complete the contact information section at the end of the survey with your email address to enter to win.
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14% of survey complete.