With the world changing on a daily basis, keeping up to date on the latest topics, trends and issues in the Festivals and Events Industry is always changing.  As we work on upcoming educational programming at the IFEA, we want to make sure we are providing resources that are addressing the most needed topics, trends and issues. Please take a moment to complete the following survey to help us identify what those topics, trends and issues are.

Question Title

* 1. What topic area(s) would you like to hear more about from the list below. (Select All That Apply)

Question Title

* 2. What topic areas, not listed above, are you interested in learning more about?  Please list your ideas below:

Question Title

* 3. Who are your favorite IFEA presenters that you have seen before, that you would like to present again?

Question Title

* 4. What presenters/industry leaders would like to see present an educational session for the IFEA that has not already presented before, for the IFEA?

Question Title

* 5. Are you interested in presenting an educational session for the IFEA?