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Hello Community Member

Welcome to the Callaway County Special Services’ Community Needs Survey.

Callaway County Special Services (CCSS) is an internationally accredited organization providing services for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We are a locally funded political subdivision of Callaway County, and we are developing our next five-year strategic plan.

We want to hear your thoughts on what is going well for people with intellectual and developmental disabilities (IDD) in Callaway County and where improvements are needed. This information will help us plan activities and programs that make Callaway County more welcoming, inclusive, and accessible for people with disabilities and their families. We want to know what is working and what isn’t working. We want to hear your voice. Your answers can influence change. TT2 Consulting LLC is conducting the Community Needs Assessment Survey on behalf of Callaway County Special Services.

If you have already received and completed this survey, thank you and we are grateful for your contribution. We look forward to reviewing your input. If you have not had the opportunity to provide your input, we ask that you complete the survey by November 1st.

Please Review these Important Details about Confidentiality and Consent:

Your Input is Important: You are being asked to complete this survey because you are a person with IDD or a person who is responsible for an individual with an IDD. You may also be a person who is an advocate, educator, service provider, or state or local government official, for individuals with intellectual or developmental disabilities. The survey is being conducted by CCSS and TT2 Consulting and should take approximately 10 minutes to complete.

Your Confidentiality is Important: Researchers from TT2 Consulting will administer the survey and collect the data. Your responses will be kept confidential and your ability to access services from CCSS or other providers will not be affected regardless of whether you decide to complete this survey. Your responses will be combined with those from other respondents when reporting results.

This is Voluntary: Taking this survey is voluntary, though we hope you will consider providing your input so services can be shaped through your feedback.

If you have questions about the survey or if you need an accommodation to complete this survey, please contact consultant Terry Trafton at TT2 Consulting LLC at the following email address:

Thank you in advance for your opinions and thoughts!
Mike Lederle, Executive Director

Question Title

* 1. Please select whether you are willing to take the survey.

Part 1: Information About You (Respondent)

Question Title

* 2. Which of the following describes you? (select all that apply)

Question Title

* 4. What is your gender identity?

Question Title

* 5. What is your race or ethnicity?

Question Title

* 6. What is your Age range?

Optional: Individuals with IDD Demographic Information (If unknown or don’t want to answer, feel free to skip to survey questions)

If you are an individual with an intellectual or developmental disability or are a responsible party for a specific individual, please feel free to provide demographic information regarding the individual. This will help us to have a better understanding of people who might need services.

Question Title

* 7. What is the Age range of the person(s) with IDD? (Check all that apply, if multiple)

Question Title

* 9. What is this person(s) race or ethnicity? (check all that apply, if multiple)

Question Title

* 10. What is this person’s intellectual or developmental disability diagnosis? (Check all that apply, if multiple)

Part 2: Strengths / Opportunities

Question Title

* 11. This list includes ways CCSS is currently impacting the lives of people with IDD in Callaway County. We would like to learn if you believe each way is an 1) area of strength or 2) area of challenge/weakness. (Please select a rating for each item)

  Major Strength Somewhat of a Strength Somewhat of a Weakness Major Area of Weakness No Opinion/Don't Know
Community Awareness
Community Integration
Adult day services
Funded supports and services for individuals
Funded supports to non-profit organizations
Funded supports for inclusive parks
Sponsored community social events
Educational and community resources

Question Title

* 12. The following is a list of 25 Domains/Areas that impact the lives of people with intellectual and developmental disabilities. We would like to learn which you believe are an 1) area of strength or 2) area of challenge or weakness in Callaway County as a whole. (Select a rating for each domain/area)

  Major Strength Somewhat of a Strength Somewhat of a Weakness Major Weakness No Opinion/Don't Know
Adaptive Equipment
After School Services/Summer Programming
Aging Services
Assistive Technology
Behavioral Support Services
Case Management Services
Community Inclusion and Accessibility
Developmental Monitoring/Screening
Early Intervention Services/Supports
Educational Services
Emergency Preparedness and Response
Employment Services/Job Training
Healthcare Accessibility
Housing Accessibility and Affordability
Personal Assistance Services
Recreational Services
Residential Services
Respite Services
Self-Advocacy, Self-Determination, and Choice
Sexuality and Healthy Relationships
Support/Focus Groups
Therapy Services (OT, PT, ST, ABA, etc.)
Transitional Services and Supports
Transportation Services
Part 3: Biggest Impact and Priority Areas

Question Title

* 13. Of the following 25 domains/areas that impact the lives of people with disabilities, select up to 5 that you think are the Biggest Impact over the PAST 5 years.
Select up to 5 (five) from the list:

Question Title

* 14. Of the following 25 domains/areas that impact the lives of people with disabilities, select up to 5 that you think should be PRIORITY AREAS for the NEXT 5 years.
Select up to 5 (five) from the list:

Part 4: Additional Feedback

Question Title

* 15. Is the mission for CCSS in alignment with supporting people with IDD?
“Our mission is the commitment to the integration of those with intellectual and developmental disabilities into the community through programs, services, information and collaboration.”

Question Title

* 16. How would you rate the current reputation of CCSS in the community?

Question Title

* 17. What is ONE THING CCSS could do that would make life better for people with intellectual and/or developmental disabilities?

0 of 17 answered