Step 1 of 3: About you

Please tell us a bit about yourself. This information helps us lobby energy companies and governments.

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* Please confirm your contact details

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* First name

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* Last name

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* Mobile number

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* Do you rent or own your home?

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* What is your year of birth?

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* Do you want to sign the petition below calling for Australian governments to do more to make energy affordable?

Petition for more affordable energy in Australia

We, the undersigned, ask Australian governments to do more to resolve the energy affordability crisis.

The numbers speak for themselves:
  • Most Australians pay a higher price to their energy retailers before tax than in any other OECD country, according to a new report by Carbon Market Economics.
  • Power prices have more than doubled in a decade, according to the Australian Bureau of Statistics.
  • The latest July 1 price increases were as high as 13% at a time when inflation is low and wages are stagnant.
Meanwhile, millions of Australians are still prevented from shopping around for electricity, because state governments in QLD, WA, Tasmania and the Northern Territory have failed to introduce choice for all, despite years of promises.

Reliable, affordable energy should be a basic right, not a privilege. But record numbers of families have been disconnected around Australia in the past 3 years. We need our governments to do more.