1. Professional Development Feedback Survey

The purpose of this survey is to gather information regarding the quality of the professional development in which you have engaged. This information will be used to guide future professional development. Your individual responses will be treated as confidential information.

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* 1. Please identify your position by marking the appropriate response.

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* 2. Title of professional development event.

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* 3. Presenter

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* 4. My attendance at this professional development was determined by local needs.

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* 5. The presenter was knowledgeable and effective.

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* 6. The strategies used by the presenter were appropriate in helping me attain the goal(s) and/or outcomes of this professional development experience.

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* 7. This professional development offered sufficient and appropriate opportunity for networking.

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* 8. I will continue to learn about this topic as part of my own professional development.

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* 9. My local administration will support me in the implementation/use of this information and training.

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* 10. The handouts and materials were adequate and useful.

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* 11. I gained knowledge and skills to implement this professional development into my job.

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* 12. The level of difficulty of the content was appropriate.

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* 13. Teachers: This professional development provided me with research-based instructional strategies to assist students in meeting rigorous academic standards.

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* 14. As a result of this professional development experience, I will use my new knowledge and skills in the following ways:

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* 15. To continue learning about this topic I need the following:

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* 16. Additional Comments are welcome. Thank you!