The purpose of this survey is to gather your opinions about the culture and climate of Brookwood Elementary School. The information obtained will help us set goals for the future. This survey is completely confidential. We strive to continually improve, and your input is vital to the process.

Question Title

1. Please check the extent to which you agree or disagree with the following statements regarding the culture of Brookwood Elementary.

  Strongly Agree Agree Undecided Disagree Strongly Disagree
I feel that my child/children are safe at school.
Brookwood has a positive, nurturing, and student-oriented atmosphere.
The principal is welcoming, approachable, and provides strong leadership.
I am pleased with the PTC activities at Brookwood

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2. Brookwood Elementary meets the academic needs of my/our student(s) in the following areas:

  Yes No
Social Studies

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3. Do you feel that your child(ren)'s academic needs are met on a daily basis?

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4. Do you feel comfortable approaching/communication with school staff?

  Yes No
Classroom Teacher
Office Staff

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5. Which preferred method of  communication regarding Brookwood Elementary and your student(s) do you prefer.  Please check all that apply:

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6. Please indicate the grade(s) your child(ren) are in at Brookwood.

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7. What could we do to better serve you and your child(ren)?