Please take a few minutes to complete this brief anonymous survey. Your input is important in guiding the work of your Chaffey College Faculty Association Negotiations team. We need feedback from you as to the priorities for funding and for other issues. While we believe all of the areas listed below are in need of funding, we have to start with the ones at the top of your priority list. Please let your voice be heard.

Please be sure to click "Done" in order to submit your survey when you have finished. Only one submission per instructor. Only the CCFA negotiations team will see the responses and no one else has access to them. If you have any questions or comments please email us at

Question Title

1. Rate your current satisfaction at Chaffey with existing conditions regarding each issue
(1 = very satisfied to 5 = very dissatisfied)

  1--Very satisfied 2 3--satisfied 4 5--very dissatisfied don't know/not applicable
Coordinators--5 consecutive years of service before other applicants are considered
Current relationship between faculty and management
Professional Service requirements
Vice-President (over your area in academic year 2015-2016) understanding your department needs
Small Department Grant for faculty (currently $2,000 for each "small" department: see 18.5.4)
Part time faculty office hours
January flex days requirement
Distance Education-- amount of FT load
Lecture load factors (how much a lecture class counts toward your teaching load)
Coordinator representing your department needs
President understanding your department needs
Part time faculty rehire rights
Laboratory load factor (how much a lab section counts toward your teaching load)
Current Full Time Faculty Salary Amount
Part time faculty health care benefits
Part time faculty seniority
Dean (over your area in academic year 2015-2016) understanding your department needs
Part time faculty/overload pay rates
Coordinators--Amount paid for duties

Question Title

2. Please RANK ORDER the following areas in regard to how available money should be spent. Number 1 is the MOST important area to spend available funds, then # 2 is the second most important, etc.

Question Title

3. Which one of the the following two important issues is more important to you?

Question Title

4. Which one of the following two important issues is more important to you?

Question Title

5. Which one of the following is true for you:

Question Title

6. According to our Collective Bargaining Agreement (see 18.5.6 part h), Classroom Coordinators are faculty that coordinate "credit courses, including ESL, as listed in the Schedule of Classes".  There are also other faculty coordinators that are Non-Classroom Coordinators (also see 18.5.6 part h).
     In your opinion, Classroom Educational Services Coordinators should be selected by:

Question Title

7. In your opinion Non-Classroom Educational Services Coordinators should be selected by:

Question Title

8. Do you agree or disagree:  Whenever possible, a Classroom Educational Services Coordinator should be a subject specialist in the discipline that he or she coordinates. In the case of multiple disciplines being coordinated, then he or she should be a subject specialist in at least one of those disciplines.

Question Title

9. Yes or No:   Are you currently an Educational Services Coordinator at Chaffey College?

Question Title

10. Yes or No: Any Regular Faculty member in a given department or area should be allowed to serve on the screening committee to screen faculty applicants for that department or area.

Question Title

11. Are you satisfied with the current process for evaluating faculty?

Question Title

12. Are you a full-time or part-time instructor at Chaffey College?

Question Title

13. Yes or No:     Are Chaffey College Faculty Association dues currently being deducted from your paycheck? (This can be found on your pay advice and listed as "Chaffey College Faculty Assoc")