Lifestyles 55 periodical survey

1.How often do you read Lifestyles 55?
2.How much of Lifesstyles 55 do you read?
3.Do you pass your copy of Lifestyles to others?
4.How much do you enjoy reading the following regular features?
Don't care for it
Like it sometimes
Usually/ always like it
Editorial Opinion by Dorothy Dobbie
From the Desk of a Gadfly by Fred Morris
Food for Thought by Wayne Weedon
Reach by Rick Duerksen
Random Notes by Trudy Schroeder
Serialized novel by Wayne Weedon
5.How much do you enjoy reading regular articles on the following topics?
Don't care for it
Like it sometimes
Usually/ always like it
Article on plants by Tim Chapman
Healthy Living by Stephano Grande
Foodies by Ian Leatt
Geocaching by Gary Brown
On the Money by Romel Dhalla
6.Do you enjoy reading the regular articles from the following writers?
Don't care for it
Sometimes enjoy it
Usually/always enjoy it
Imagine North by Crystal Kolt
Spotlight on the performing arts
Home Improvement by Brent Poole
Update by Senaka Samarasinghe
For the Bids by Sherrie Versluis
7.How much do you enjoy reading the writing of the following contributors?
Unfamiliar with this writer
Don't care for this writer
Sometimes like, sometimes don't like
Like this writer
Janice Lukes
Jim Ingebrigtsen
Myron Love
Robert Wrigley
8.Which of the following topics would you be interested in reading abouty in Lifestyles 55? Check as many as you like.
9.Tell us about other topics you'd like to see covered in Lifestyles 55.
10.Are there any other seniors' magazines that you read? Please list them.