The case

A 34-year-old Caucasian woman consulted her general practioner following a jogging accident (foot contusion). After administration of a painkiller (paracetamol 1g) and an X-ray, a blood pressure of 170/105 mmHg, HR 61/Min (a mean average of three measurements done after 5 minutes in a sitting position) was measured.
  • She is a non-smoker and physically active person, reporting a healthy diet
  • Her family history was positive for arterial hypertension and diabetes type 2 (Father, 67 years old) and negative for premature cardiovascular events
  • From a cardiac and neurological point of view she was asymptomatic and she referred normal blood pressure values by previous measurements done by a gynaecologist (last measured 2 years ago)
  • No previous pregnancy, oral contraceptive until 2 years ago, after that she changed to intrauterine device for birth control
Auscultation revealed a regular heart rhythm. Height was 173 cm, weight 64 kg (BMI= 21,4 kg/m2). Normal ECG. Normal sodium (141 mmol/L), Potassium (4.0 mmol/L), renal function (GFR 107 ml/Min), ALT (31 U/L), Glucose (5.3) and TSH, no albuminuria in urine stick.