2022 Family Data Night Survey
Please identify the school in which you attended Data Night.
A.B. Hill Elementary
A Maceo Walker Middle
Adolescent Parenting Program
Airways Achievement Academy ES
Airways Achievement Academy MS
Alcy Elementary
Alton Elementary
American Way Middle
Avon School
Balmoral/Ridgeway Elementary
Barret's Chapel School
Belle Forest Community School
Bellevue Middle
Berclair Elementary
Bethel Grove Elementary
Bolton High
B.T. Washington High
Brownsville Road Elementary
Bruce Elementary
Campus Elementary
Central High
Cherokee Elementary
Chickasaw Middle
Chimneyrock Elementary School
Colonial Middle
Cordova Elementary
Cordova High School
Cordova Middle
Craigmont High
Craigmont Middle
Cromwell Elementary
Crump Elementary
Cummings School
Delano Elementary
Dexter Elementary
Dexter Middle
Double Tree Elementary
Douglass High
Douglass School
Downtown Elementary
Dunbar Elementary
E.E. Jeter School
Early Childhood Programs
East High
Egypt Elementary
Evans Elementary
The Excel Center
Exceptional Children Special Placements
Ford Road Elementary
Fox Meadows Elementary
G.W. Carver College & Career Academy
Gardenview Elementary
Geeter School
Georgian Hills Middle
Germanshire Elementary
Germantown Elementary
Germantown High
Germantown Middle
Getwell Elementary
Gordon Achievement Academy ES
Gordon Achievement Academy MS
Grahamwood Elementary
Grandview Heights Middle School
Hamilton High
Hamilton School
Havenview Middle
Hawkins Mill Elementary
Hickory Ridge Elementary
Hickory Ridge Middle
Highland Oaks Elementary
Highland Oaks Middle
Hollis F. Price Middle College
Holmes Road Elementary
Hope Academy
Ida B. Wells Academy
Idlewild Elementary
P. Freeman School
Jackson Elementary
Kate Bond Elementary School
Kate Bond Middle School
Keystone Elementary
Kingsbury Career & Technology Center
Kingsbury Elementary
Kingsbury High
Kingsbury Middle
Kirby High
LaRose Elementary
Levi Elementary
Lowrance School
Lucie E. Campbell Elementary
Lucy Elementary
Macon-Hall Elementary
Manassas High
Maxine Smith STEAM Academy
Melrose High
Memphis Virtual School
Middle College High
Mitchell High
Pisgah Middle
Newberry Elementary
Newcomer International Center
Northaven Elementary
Northeast Prep Academy
Northwest Prep Academy
Oak Forest Elementary
Oakhaven Elementary
Oakhaven High
Oakhaven Middle
Oakshire Elementary
Overton High
Parkway Village Elementary
Peabody Elementary
Project Graduation
Raleigh-Bartlett Meadows Elementary
Raleigh-Egypt High
Raleigh Egypt Middle
Richland Elementary
Ridgeway Early Learning Center
Ridgeway High
Ridgeway Middle
Riverview School
Riverwood Elementary School
Robert R. Church Elementary
Ross Elementary
Rozelle Elementary
Scenic Hills Elementary
Sea Isle Elementary
Shady Grove Elementary
Sharpe Elementary
Sheffield Career & Technology Center
Sheffield Elementary
Sheffield High
Shelby Oaks Elementary
Sherwood Elementary
Sherwood Middle
Shrine School
Snowden School
South Park Elementary
Southwest Career & Technology Center
Southwind Elementary
Southwind High
Springdale Elementary
Treadwell Elementary
Treadwell Middle School
Trezevant Career & Technology Center
Trezevant High
University Middle School
Vollentine Elementary
Wells Station Elementary
Westhaven Elementary
Westside Elementary
Westwood High
White Station Elementary
White Station High
White Station Middle
Whitehaven Elementary
Whitehaven High
William Herbert Brewster Elementary School
Willow Oaks Elementary
Winchester Elementary
Winridge Elementary
Wooddale High
Woodstock Middle School
Were the following topics discussed at your session of Data Night?
Yes, discussed in depth
Yes, discussed some
Mentioned briefly
Not mentioned at all/Not applicable for school/grade band
Accessing Report cards and Progress Reports through the MSCS Parent Portal
Yes, discussed in depth
Yes, discussed some
Mentioned briefly
Not mentioned at all/Not applicable for school/grade band
Mastery Connect Updates
Yes, discussed in depth
Yes, discussed some
Mentioned briefly
Not mentioned at all/Not applicable for school/grade band
iReady diagnostic reports
Yes, discussed in depth
Yes, discussed some
Mentioned briefly
Not mentioned at all/Not applicable for school/grade band
Naviance/College planning
Yes, discussed in depth
Yes, discussed some
Mentioned briefly
Not mentioned at all/Not applicable for school/grade band
Other School Data and Communication Updates (ex. Tutoring, Class Dojo, Weekly/Daily Communications, Emails, Upcoming virtual Parent Meetings)
Yes, discussed in depth
Yes, discussed some
Mentioned briefly
Not mentioned at all/Not applicable for school/grade band
Upcoming FACE Parent Support Opportunities
Yes, discussed in depth
Yes, discussed some
Mentioned briefly
Not mentioned at all/Not applicable for school/grade band
Community Based Parent Support Opportunities
Yes, discussed in depth
Yes, discussed some
Mentioned briefly
Not mentioned at all/Not applicable for school/grade band
Ready Graduates and graduation requirements
Yes, discussed in depth
Yes, discussed some
Mentioned briefly
Not mentioned at all/Not applicable for school/grade band
MSCS Summer Programs
Yes, discussed in depth
Yes, discussed some
Mentioned briefly
Not mentioned at all/Not applicable for school/grade band
MSCS Academic Score Card
Yes, discussed in depth
Yes, discussed some
Mentioned briefly
Not mentioned at all/Not applicable for school/grade band
TCAP Parent Portal
Yes, discussed in depth
Yes, discussed some
Mentioned briefly
Not mentioned at all/Not applicable for school/grade band
3rd Grade Commitment (Criteria, Summer Learning Pathways)
Yes, discussed in depth
Yes, discussed some
Mentioned briefly
Not mentioned at all/Not applicable for school/grade band
Advanced Academics (SEM Advancement ACT)
Yes, discussed in depth
Yes, discussed some
Mentioned briefly
Not mentioned at all/Not applicable for school/grade band
Other topics that were discussed
How helpful was the session in improving your understanding of your child's academic data?
Very helpful
Not very helpful
Not at all helpful
How confident do you feel that you could help your child with their academic progress after attending this session?
Very confident
Not very confident
Not at all confident
Did you receive information that you did not know before Data Night?
Unsure/I don't know
How easy or difficult was the presentation to follow and understand?
Very easy
Very difficult
Would more sessions like this help you better understand your child's academic progress?
Unsure/I don't know
Was there enough time for parents’ questions to be addressed during the presentation?
Plenty of time for all questions
Time to answer some but not all questions
Time for only a few questions
Not enough time to address any questions
Is there any additional information you would like shared in future Data Nights?
Thank you for your responses. Please click the DONE button below.