2022 Family Data Night Survey

1.Please identify the school in which you attended Data Night.(Required.)
2.Were the following topics discussed at your session of Data Night?
Yes, discussed in depth
Yes, discussed some
Mentioned briefly
Not mentioned at all/Not applicable for school/grade band
Accessing Report cards and Progress Reports through the MSCS Parent Portal
Mastery Connect Updates
iReady diagnostic reports
Naviance/College planning
Other School Data and Communication Updates (ex. Tutoring, Class Dojo, Weekly/Daily Communications, Emails, Upcoming virtual Parent Meetings)
Upcoming FACE Parent Support Opportunities
Community Based Parent Support Opportunities
Ready Graduates and graduation requirements
MSCS Summer Programs
MSCS Academic Score Card
TCAP Parent Portal
3rd Grade Commitment (Criteria, Summer Learning Pathways)
Advanced Academics (SEM Advancement ACT)
3.How helpful was the session in improving your understanding of your child's academic data?
4.How confident do you feel that you could help your child with their academic progress after attending this session?
5.Did you receive information that you did not know before Data Night?
6.How easy or difficult was the presentation to follow and understand?
7.Would more sessions like this help you better understand your child's academic progress?
8.Was there enough time for parents’ questions to be addressed during the presentation?
9.Is there any additional information you would like shared in future Data Nights?
Thank you for your responses. Please click the DONE button below.
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