Institute for Continued Learning Study Group Evaluation -- Winter 2016

50% of survey complete.
Your honest evaluation will help ICL in developing future sessions. Please be as specific as possible.

Please complete a separate evaluation for each study group in which you participated; you can open a new blank evaluation by clicking on the link that got you to this survey again. If you complete more than one evaluation, there is no need to complete questions 7, 8 and 9 on the additional evaluation forms.

Thank you! When you get to the bottom of this screen, please click the Next button. When you click the Done button on the following page, you will be taken to the ICL website.

Question Title

* 1. Which study group are you evaluating? (select only one)

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* 2. Rate this study group by clicking by the word that best describes your feeling about it:

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* 3. What did you like most?

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* 4. What did you like least?

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* 5. If this study group were repeated, what would you change?

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* 6. Would you take another study group with the same coordinator(s)?

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* 7. What study group topics would you like to see in the future?

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* 8. Which of the study groups you listed in the above question would you be willing to coordinate or co-coordinate?

  I would be willing to coordinate or co-coordinate

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* 9. Other comments: