The following survey has been created to help West Yorkshire Resilience Forum (WYRF) understand the current level of community resilience and emergency preparedness across the West Yorkshire region. The information we obtain through this survey will feed into our work to help communities better prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies and major incidents. Please note, this is not in response to any specific event or activity.

The survey results will provide us with a baseline level of information so we can identify any areas requiring more support and development. If you live outside West Yorkshire but work in the region, we would still very much like to hear your views. Please answer the questions for the area in which you work.

We have tried to make the survey as easy and quick as possible to complete. It has been separated into four sections:

1. Community resilience
2. Emergencies and risks
3. The Local Resilience Forum
4. Demographic information

It should take you no longer than 15 minutes to complete. Most questions are multiple choice but there is space at the end to add any additional thoughts, ideas or information.
Please click 'Next' to begin the survey.