The Deer Valley Unified School District (DVUSD) FY26 Budget Committee appreciates the input from the initial survey and is now asking for your response by ranking DVUSD budget priorities for next school year (FY26). In light of the M&O Override not being renewed and an expected reduction of students, the District has to build a balanced budget with the realization of fewer dollars in FY26. From the initial survey, the top priorities included preserving salaries and ensuring staff are impacted as minimally as possible. We ask that you complete this forced-ranking of the following budget items, with a 1 indicating this should be considered as a reduction and a 9 as the one you want to preserve over the other options.

Thank you for your time and continued support of DVUSD!

Question Title

* 1. Please select the stakeholder group you represent:

Question Title

* 2. FY25 Budget Forced-Ranking Survey for Budgeting Considerations:

For these budget considerations, please rank the options (1 indicating this should be considered as a reduction and 9 as one you want to preserve over the other options) from the list below: (Additional detail regarding each priority can be found below.)

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Extracurricular Activities
Full-Day Kindergarten
Building Improvements
Counseling and Behavioral Support Staff
Transportation Services
Class Size
Professional Development
School Safety

Question Title

* 3. Optional priority not listed above or provide any additional information related to budget priorities you would like to share (limited to 50 words)

Budget Priority Options - Full Detail

School Safety Reduction of physical safety improvements and or supports on school campuses.
Technology Reduction of technology devices as part of the curriculum taught to students.
Professional Development Reduce expenses related to staff training to include things such as a furlough day for staff on a non-instructional day.
Class Size Increase the number of students in classrooms.
Full-Day Kindergarten No longer support more than a half-day kindergarten program without charging a fee.
Extracurricular Activities Reduce extracurricular offerings for students and/or increase fees for these activities.
Building Improvements Delay or eliminate physical improvements and upkeep to District facilities.
Counseling and Behavioral Support Staff Reduce counseling and student behavioral supports at schools.
Transportation Services Change transportation eligibility requirements, reduce extracurricular trips.