The Rural City of Wangaratta is developing a Masterplan for the Wangaratta Sport and Aquatic Centre (WSAC). 

To assist us with our planning, we want to understand how you use WSAC and what improvements we should consider.   
If you are a past user or have never used the Centre, we want to hear from you too, so we can understand what would encourage you to use it in the future. You don't have to go through the whole survey, as there are dedicated sections for your responses.

Feedback from this survey will be one of many considerations that will inform the WSAC Masterplan. The survey should only take 10 minutes to complete.

As a thank you for completing this survey, you will have a chance to win a free 12-month WSAC membership.

People aged 15 years and under should seek parental permission prior to completing the survey.

Question Title

* 1. Do you identify as?

Question Title

* 2. What is your age?

Question Title

* 3. Do you identify as a person with a disability?

Question Title

* 4. Are you a parent, family member or friend filling out this survey on behalf of a person with a disability?

Question Title

* 5. Which statement best describes your connection with WSAC?