Wear Red Canada (WRC) is celebrated annually across Canada on February 13th to raise awareness about women’s heart health. Virtual and in-person events are held across the country to serve as a reminder for all people in Canada, but especially women, to be mindful, curious, and proactive in the management of our heart health and wellness. WRC is proudly hosted by the Canadian Women's Heart Health Alliance and powered by the Canadian Women's Heart Health Centre.
The #1 goal of Wear Red Canada is to reach more people across Canada. We are therefore putting out a call for volunteers to take part on our Regional Planning Committees (RPC) to help plan, coordinate, and implement various events and activities across Canada to raise awareness about women's heart health.

There are many ways to volunteer with Wear Red Canada! Sign up for as many teams as you wish based on your interest, skill set and availability. See list of teams below.

Volunteers are from across Canada and will participate in online planning meetings with others in their region. Any in-person events will be planned and must follow local health protocols.

Time Commitment & Requirements:
Volunteer commitment is flexible, but is approximately 3-5 hours a month. There will also be monthly one hour virtual meetings from September to February. As our meetings and communications are online, having access to a computer, Internet and an email address is needed. Meetings are conducted in English.

If you have any questions please feel free to contact Lisa Comber at

Learn more here:
For more information, view our Regional Planning Committee Overview Document.

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* 1. Personal Information

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* 2. Please select which Regional Planning Committee (RPC) you are applying for.

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* 3. Please select which category you would best fall in:

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* 4. Are you on social media? If yes, please let us know which platforms and your handle:


Please sign up for your preferred roles/team(s) based on your interests, skill set and availability. You are welcome to sign up for as many teams you wish.

Question Title

* 5. MEDIA TEAM (Traditional media - TV, Radio, Newspaper)
  • Identify regional planning committee members as media spokespersons (persons with lived experience, healthcare professionals, French-speaking and other languages spokespersons)
  • Draft local media release and approach media outlets and schedule interviews (the week leading up to and/or day of WRC)
  • Provide details/URL links to any scheduled events to CWHHA / Regional Planning Committee for national dissemination and listserv (website posting, social media, e-blasts, etc.)
  • Approach local magazines or community newsletters to include information about WRC in upcoming issues.

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* 6. MEDIA TEAM (Non-traditional media - Blogs, Magazines, Podcast, Editorial)
  • Identify potential target groups (mommy, fitness, business, magazines, higher risk community groups).
  • Approach target groups to include information about WRC in upcoming issues (pitch stories)

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  • For healthcare providers, connect within your hospital or clinic to help disseminate national WRC information/event details to regional, provincial, territorial and local networks
  • For community advocates, put up posters in local grocery stores, libraries, community centres, doctor offices, post offices, etc.
  • Find other creative ways to promote WRC locally or provincially/territorially
  • Promotion of WRC branded merchandise

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  • Build our followers (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter) by helping to create content, reels, videos, contests, sharing of resources.
  • Take part in the social media development.
  • Encourage others to post content and tag the @CWHHAlliance and include hashtags #HerHeartMatters and #WearRedCanada.
  • Watch our YouTube channel to view and share all our educational and promotional videos.

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  • Reach out through various channels (email, phone, social media platforms) to recruit potential influencers to share the WRC messages to their networks.

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  • Coordinate and lead the organization of an in-person meet up.
  • Be a Movement Challenge Team ambassador or champion and lead a team.

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* 11. PRESENTATIONS TEAM (Community and High Schools)
  • Approach businesses, associations, groups, and the general public to coordinate virtual and in-person community presentations to provide heart health education to inform women and their families about heart disease and how they can take appropriate action to minimize their risk. See the Canadian Women’s Heart Health Centre’s Community Advocate E-Course and Toolkit for more information.
  • Approaching local high schools to share our "The Heart of the Matter Educator Toolkit Curriculum", offer to do presentations.
  • Maintain a contact list.
  • Send thank you emails to those who attended with additional resources and information on how to participate in WRC.

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  • Approach local businesses and municipalities to join us in lighting the town red on February 13th to support women’s heart health awareness by lighting up their building, store front and/or landmark in red and sharing a picture to show your support on social media using the hashtags #HerHeartMatters and #WearRedCanada.
  • Maintain a contact list.
  • Provide updates to the Secretariat for those who have confirmed to promote on the WRC website.
  • Send out personalized thank you letters to all those who have participated.

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  • Connect with provincial, territorial and municipal political offices to proclaim February 13 Wear Red Canada Day.
  • Maintain a contact list.
  • Provide updates to the Secretariat for those who have confirmed to promote on the WRC website.
  • Send out personalized thank you letters to all those who have participated.

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  • Actively seek to maintain diversity among the regional planning committee members:
    • Geographical representation from all provinces and territories.
    • Stakeholder categories (e.g., persons with lived experience and their caregivers, clinicians, researchers, first responders, educators and youth and research and/or clinical trainees).
    • Cultural communities.
  • Actively recruit community volunteers to go out into larger / rural communities to promote WRC, how to take part, plan local awareness events.

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* 15. Additional comments? Please also include any special accommodations you may need to fully participate as a Wear Red Canada volunteer. 

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* 16. How did you hear about the opportunity to join the Wear Red Canada planning committee? 

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* 17. Would you like to receive occasional women's heart health newsletters?

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* 18. If yes, please provide the following information:

Thank you for your interest in joining the Wear Red Canada team! Once you have submitted your application, please look out for an e-meeting invite to join our next planning committee meeting over Zoom. We look forward to working with you!
If you have any questions, please contact Lisa Comber at