Official Nomination Form: 2022 Woman Pharmacist of the Year Award

The Pharmacist Moms Group represents women pharmacists in all areas of practice in the pharmacy profession. To help support the mission of the group we recognize a women leader in the pharmacy industry who is making an impact in providing resources, education, and mentorship.

The Woman Pharmacist of the Year award will be presented to 4 female pharmacists (in the Community Pharmacy, Health-System, Independent and Non-Traditional) who have made a significant impact on the practice of pharmacy, considering the following criteria:

The candidate has demonstrated a commitment to the practice of pharmacy by working in concert with patients and other healthcare providers to optimize a patient’s health-related quality of life. She has demonstrated a willingness to serve and assist the other women in their personal and professional development in the pharmacy profession.

The candidate has demonstrated a significant level of involvement in health care programs over an extended period of time. She has demonstrated leadership by using her abilities to develop or improve programs or services that significantly advances the practice of pharmacy and that meets the merging trends in the healthcare environment. She has an influencer voice and provides critical perspective the helps shape thought leadership and strengthens women’s roles in industry wide. 

The candidate has demonstrated a commitment to her community by sharing her time and talent in ways that benefit the physical and mental health of the community or individuals within it. She has demonstrated exceptional personal commitment to civic endeavors outside of her professional obligations.

Nomination Process:

     Complete the form below.
     Nominations will close on Wednesday, August 31, 2022
Selection Process:

     The Women Pharmacist Day committee will review and select the winners
     Award winners will be announced on Women Pharmacist Day, October 12, 2022


       Award winners will be presented a commemorative plaque to display
       Pharmacist Moms Group will make a donation to a 501(c)(3) charity of the winner's choice 

Question Title

* 1. Your Details:

Question Title

* 2. Your Nominee's Details:

Question Title

* 4. About Nominee: Commitment to the practice of pharmacy
Describe how the nominee has demonstrated a commitment to the practice of pharmacy and how she’s demonstrated a willingness to serve and assist the other women in their personal and professional development in the pharmacy profession. (1-2 paragraphs. Limit 500 words.)

Question Title

* 5. About Nominee:  Commitment to health care
Describe how nominee has demonstrated a significant level of involvement in health care programs over an extended period of time and has demonstrated leadership by using her abilities to develop or improve programs or services. (1-2 paragraphs. Limit 500 words.)

Question Title

* 6. About Nominee:  Commitment to the community 
Describe how the nominee has demonstrated a commitment to her community by sharing her time and talent in ways that benefit the physical and mental health of the community or individuals within it. (1-2 paragraphs. Limit 500 words.)

Question Title

* 7. Include a supporting attachment (optional)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 8. Include up to 2 supporting attachments (optional)

PDF, DOC, DOCX, PNG, JPG, JPEG, GIF file types only.
Choose File

Question Title

* 9. Include an online resource link (optional)