Perceptions of a Mentor

The goal of this research survey is to gain an understanding of how you perceive the implicit beliefs of a Mentor type figure and how that effects your motivation to complete tasks. You will be asked to identify one specific individual that you see as your most influential mentor than complete the survey in regards to them as your motivational force. 

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* 2. What is your age?

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* 3. Pick a Mentor

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* 4. Enter mentor's initials

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* 5. Please indicate your agreement with each of the following statements.

  Strongly agree Strongly Disagree
According to my mentor, people can do things differently, but the important parts of who they are can’t really be changed.
To my mentor, everyone is a certain kind of person, and there is not much that can be done to really change that.
According to my mentor, no matter what kind of person someone is, they can always change very much.
My mentor believes the kind of person someone is, is something very basic about them and it can’t be changed very much.
In my mentor's eyes, all people can change even their most basic qualities.
As much as I hate to admit it, my mentor says you can’t teach an old dog new tricks. People can’t really change their deepest attributes.
My mentor thinks people can always substantially change the kind of person they are.
To my mentor, everyone, no matter who they are, can significantly change their basic characteristics.

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* 6. Please briefly describe a task you would go to your mentor for guidance on (ex: Homework, Test, Workouts, etc.).

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* 7. Rate how difficult it is to preform this task?

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* 8. What are your perceptions of your mentor

  strongly disagree strongly agree
To me, success means doing better than other people.
I'm less concerned with what work I do than what I get for it.
I enjoy tackling problems that are completely new to me.
Curiosity is the driving force behind much of what I do.
I'm concerned about how other people are going to react to my ideas.
It is important for me to be able to do what I most enjoy.
I want other people to find out how good I really can be at my work.
I'm more comfortable when I can set my own goals.
I want my work to provide me with opportunities for increasing my knowledge and skills.
I enjoy relatively simple, straightforward tasks.
I seldom think about grades and awards.
I am keenly aware of the goals I have for getting good grades.
I prefer to figure things out for myself.
I believe that there is no point in doing a good job if nobody else knows about it.
I am strongly motivated by the grades I can earn.
I prefer having someone set clear goals for me in my work.
What matters most to me is enjoying what I do.
I enjoy doing work that is so absorbing that I forget about everything else.
The more difficult the problem, the more I enjoy trying to solve it.
I am not that concerned about what other people think of my work.
I prefer work I know I can do well over work that stretches my abilities.
I am strongly motivated by the recognition I can earn from other people.
I prefer working on projects with clearly specified procedures.
As long as I can do what I enjoy, I'm not that concerned about exactly what grades or awards I can earn.
I am keenly aware of the GPA (grade point average) goals I have for myself.
No matter what the outcome of a project, I am satisfied if I feel I gained a new experience.
I want to find out how good I really can be at my work.
I enjoy trying to solve complex problems.
It is important for me to have an outlet for self- expression.
I have to feel that I'm earning something for what I do.