Community Enterprise is considering working in partnership to establish a Third Sector Enterprise Centre in West Lothian to both strengthen existing enterprises in the area and stimulate new entrepreneurial activity. This is more than just office space. The key objectives are to offer affordable quality accommodation to third sector organisations, social enterprises and social entrpreneurs as well as encouraging innovation and joint working by creating an atmosphere of collaboration and mutual learning while developing job creation and learning.

This new Third Sector Enterprise Centre will provide flexible, affordable space with wireless broadband, telephone, desk space, and tele- and video-conferencing facilities. We would like it to have shared reception and possibly some shared administration. We would like to establish a mix of permanent lets and flexible meeting space, but crucially support and training would be embedded in the model.

We are keen that this is not only rooted in the needs and demands of the local sector but that it looks outwards and draws in enterprises from other areas who are either looking for a West Lothian base, or who could provide infrastructure support to the tenants. We would be grateful if you would spend a few minutes completing this survey to help us. If you have any questions please call 01506 862227. Your information will be held completely confidentially in line with data protection.

Question Title

* 1. Do you think you might find a new third sector enterprise centre in West Lothian useful? If you click yes, please continue to the rest of the survey.

Question Title

* 2. What would you MAINLY view yourself as?

Question Title

* 3. It is vital for our planning to be able to attribute views to specific organisations. If you feel you would prefer to remain anonymous, please type "anon" in one of these boxes.

Question Title

* 4. Please respond to these statements so show us in what way it would help. It would...

  Strongly agree Agree Neither agree nor disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
increase efficiencies
help build stronger partnerships
give me a presence in a new area
give me access to more users/clients
foster consortia tendering
raise profile and reputation
help me deliver a national contract
Other (see below)

Question Title

* 5. Take this opportunity to expand on your answer?

Question Title

* 6. How likely are you to use the following facilities in the next two years?

  Very Likely Likely Unlikely Not at all
Permanent office space
Temporary meeting space
Training space
Bespoke activity space

Question Title

* 7. If price and quality was good, would you be interested in using space in an new centre

Question Title

* 8. What are your approximate requirements (this is only a guide for now)?

Question Title

* 9. What would you be willing to pay annually to rent space, based on number of desks (if there was shared reception and lettable meeting rooms)?

  £3000 £3-5000 £5-8000 £8-12000 Over £12,000
1-2 desks
3-5 desks
7-10 desks

Question Title

* 10. What would you be willing to pay up to for room hire per hour?

Question Title

* 11. Do you have a need for bespoke space? If so, please indicate what you would need.

Question Title

* 12. Which of the following features would make you more likely to use the Centre?

Question Title

* 13. Can you tell us in more detail if and how a sector hub would be particularly beneficial?

Question Title

* 14. What might be the kind of things that would put you off (please tick the two most important)?

Question Title

* 15. Where would be the best location for you?

Question Title

* 16. Please add any final comments

100% of survey complete.