Employer Survey
The St. Lawrence - Rideau Immigration Partnership (SLRIP) is currently conducting a research project to learn about employer’s experiences and attitudes towards hiring immigrants in Leeds and Grenville. Funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, the Immigration Partnership is a collaboration of twenty-five plus organizations dedicated to enhancing the local community’s ability to welcome, support, and integrate immigrants. To find out more about the St. Lawrence - Rideau Immigration Partnership please visit https://slrlip.ca.
This survey is open to all employers in The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. Answers to the survey will be part of a research project published by the St. Lawrence- Rideau Immigration Partnership on “Immigrant Experiences in Leeds and Grenville: Examining social, economic, and cultural inclusion.” It will be used to inform local governments, employment service providers, settlement agencies, educational institutions, and organizations mandated with enhancing labour market outcomes of immigrants and supporting local employers in building inclusive productive workplaces.
Additionally, the research team hopes to conduct key informant interviews with a number of employers in Leeds and Grenville. The interviews would be 30 to 40 minutes in length and arranged at your convenience (in person, virtually, telephone). Only employers wishing to be part of the key informant interview are asked to provide name and contact information at the end of the survey. Otherwise completing the name and contact section is optional. All responses will be anonymous and summarized in the report.
Thank you for your support. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey or the research project, please contact Loretta Corbeil, Researcher at (343) 507-4173 or loretta_corbeil@yahoo.ca