Employer Survey

Employer Survey

The St. Lawrence - Rideau Immigration Partnership (SLRIP) is currently conducting a research project to learn about employer’s experiences and attitudes towards hiring immigrants in Leeds and Grenville. Funded by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, the Immigration Partnership is a collaboration of twenty-five plus organizations dedicated to enhancing the local community’s ability to welcome, support, and integrate immigrants. To find out more about the St. Lawrence - Rideau Immigration Partnership please visit https://slrlip.ca.

This survey is open to all employers in The United Counties of Leeds and Grenville. Answers to the survey will be part of a research project published by the St. Lawrence- Rideau Immigration Partnership on “Immigrant Experiences in Leeds and Grenville: Examining social, economic, and cultural inclusion.” It will be used to inform local governments, employment service providers, settlement agencies, educational institutions, and organizations mandated with enhancing labour market outcomes of immigrants and supporting local employers in building inclusive productive workplaces.

Additionally, the research team hopes to conduct key informant interviews with a number of employers in Leeds and Grenville. The interviews would be 30 to 40 minutes in length and arranged at your convenience (in person, virtually, telephone). Only employers wishing to be part of the key informant interview are asked to provide name and contact information at the end of the survey. Otherwise completing the name and contact section is optional. All responses will be anonymous and summarized in the report.

Thank you for your support. If you have any questions or concerns about the survey or the research project, please contact Loretta Corbeil, Researcher at (343) 507-4173 or loretta_corbeil@yahoo.ca
1.Please indicate the size of your business/organization (number of employees).
2.Please indicate your role in the company/organization.
3.Please indicate your employment sector.
4.Where is your business/organization located in Leeds and Grenville?
5.Are you an Immigrant business owner?
6.Are you aware of the Eastern Ontario Immigrant Attraction and Retention Report?
7.Does your organization/industry currently face labour or skills shortages or hard-to-fill vacancies? If so, which occupations ?
8.Have you hired immigrants (born outside Canada including permanent residents, refugee, refugee claimant, Temporary Foreign Workers, International Students)?
Prefer not to answer
Permanent Residents
Refugee/Refugee Claimant
Temporary Foreign Worker
International Students
9.Please choose one statement, from the list below, that best reflects the
importance of immigrants to Canada to your business/organization and hiring decisions.
10.What is your experience if any, with International Students?
11.Please assess how your business/organization assesses immigrant candidates in comparison to other candidates for the same position.
Almost always a concern
Often a concern
Sometimes a concern
Almost never a concern
Prefer not to answer
Everyday English conversational ability
Higher functioning English conversational skills
English reading and writing skills
Familiarity with Canadian business culture, practices, and norms
Technical skills related to the job
Certainty about their educational credentials
Problem-solving and critical thinking
Ability to work within a team
12.What, if any, challenges have you experienced in hiring immigrants?
13.Please state factors that influenced immigrant employees to voluntarily leave their positions with your organization.
Prefer not to answer
Finding other employment more suitable to their prior
experience or education
The wage level or finding other employment at a higher wage
Commuting challenges
The level of personal fulfillment achieved on the job
Interpersonal issues with co-workers, supervisors or clients
Too few hours of work per week
Too many hours of work per week
Immigrant employee moved to another community
Immigrant employee preferred to live in larger urban centre
14.In your opinion, what could be done to help immigrants get jobs that make use of their skills and experience?
Assessment of credentials
Language training/testing
Cultural Awareness Training
Improved labour market information
Prefer not to answer
15.Please share any best or promising practices you are aware of to attract, recruit, and retain immigrant talent.
16.Please share any benefits to your business/organization with hiring immigrants.
17.If you are interested in taking part in a key informant interview, please leave name and contact information below.