As you know, efforts have been underway this year to create a new Wisconsin tobacco prevention and control plan for 2020 to 2025. 

As part of this process, we need you and a variety of partners from all over Wisconsin to share your thoughts about an early draft of the plan. So thank you for clicking on this survey link!     

The planning team will review every response, using your ideas to strengthen the effort wherever possible. 

This is not an anonymous survey.  We ask that you share your name and contact information so we can be certain we have gotten feedback from a variety of perspectives. You may also be contacted if we have follow up questions.

If you have additional suggestions or questions that are not a good "fit" for an online survey, please contact Darcie Warren, Partnership for a Tobacco Free Wisconsin Coordinator, at and/or Nancy Young, President of Gray Horse Strategies, at  We would be happy to set up a time to talk by phone.  

We greatly appreciate the time you have taken to complete a review!
8% of survey complete.