
Thank you for using the NGA and NASWA Member Input Tool to provide feedback on the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA) Notices of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM).   The Member Input Tool allows you to provide responses to any Section of the five NPRM’s.

The answers to the questions below will help you use the tool:

What is the Due Date? 

NASWA and NGA request your responses by Monday, May 18th.  The NPRM’s were published in the Federal Register on April 16, 2015 and only provide 60-days for comments.  All comments must be submitted by June 15, 2015 and the two Associations need time to synthesize state input and decide what issues to address in our comments.

May I start and come back to finish later?

Yes, you may, as long as you exit the tool without hitting “DONE.” You also must return to the tool using the same computer.  Your work will automatically be saved when you exit the tool.

Can more than one person in my organization provide responses? 

Yes, the NPRM’s cut across many areas (governance, service delivery, performance and fiscal, etc.).  Your agency/board may coordinate one response, or several individuals in your agency/board may each use a separate tool.  It is up to your organization. 

How many comments can we submit? 

The tool allows 10 comments for each NPRM.  If your organization wants to provide more comments, simply open and complete another tool using the same URL address. 

Should my agency/board comment on all NPRMs?

While it is a state agency/board decision, NASWA and NGA strongly recommend comments on all NPRM’s with a particular focus on (1) the Department of Labor-only NPRM and (2) the joint NPRM covering state plans, performance, and one-stop provisions.  The other three NPRMs pertain to Adult Education and Vocational Rehabilitation, and while critical, we understand not every agency or board can comment. 

To resolve questions or technical issues, please contact Kevin Naud at, or (202) 434-8031.