2024 Camp Chanco Survey

Identifying information is optional, but must be included in order to participate in the drawing for a free camp session drawing. However, we certainly welcome anonymous surveys as well!
4.Camper's Name:
(Please complete a separate survey for each camper.)
5.How did you learn about Camp Chanco?
6.How many years has your camper come to Camp Chanco?
7.My camper attended:
8.What is your level of overall satisfaction with Camp Chanco?
9.Please indicate the importance of the following.
Very Unimportant
Very Important
Church affiliation
Activities offered
Length of camp session (one week)
Length of camp session (two week)
Multi-age sessions
Drop off/pick up times
Photos on our website/Facebook page/Instagram account
Family tradition
10.How likely are you to send your child to camp next year?
11.How likely are you to recommend Chanco to a friend?
12.Which of our activity areas does your camper like best?
13.Which of our activity areas does your camper like least?
14.Which of our Evening Programs does your camper like best?
15.Which of our Evening Programs does your camper like least?
16.Which aspect of Camp Chanco does your camper like best?
17.Which aspect of Camp Chanco does your camper like least?
18.My camper enjoyed this year's Big Day Water Carnival
19.If your camper participated in the 'Choose Your Own Adventure' program (Campsites Matthew and Elizabeth), what did they like or dislike about it?
20.My camper found Chaplain Time to be both enjoyable and instructive.
21.My camper found opportunities to grow in their faith this summer at Camp Chanco.
22.How interested are you in the following improvements or changes?
Very Disinterested
Very Interested
More faith-based activities
More one-week sessions offered
Swimming instruction
More kayaks
More tubing opportunities
More sailing opportunities
More outdoor skills taught (fire building, knot tying, etc)
Additional low ropes obstacle elements added to ropes course
Archery Pavilion
Nature/hiking trails
An adult camp program (a long weekend)
23.Please indicate the importance of the following methods of staying in touch with your camper:
Very Unimportant
Very Important
Standard US mail and care packages
Bunk Notes one-way email communication
Viewing photos of camp on Chanco’s Website
24.How would you rate our photo page on the Chanco website?
Needs Improvement
Very Good
25.Will you take advantage of the "Do It Now" discount by registering for summer 2025 before Labor Day (September 2, 2024) to receive the discount?
26.Did you take advantage of the Early Bird Rollover Discount, reregistering your camper when you picked them up and locking in this year's rate for next summer?
27.If you answered "no" to the above question, will you take advantage of the "Do It Now" discount by registering before 12/31 to receive a discount?
28.Will you take advantage of our $100 referral bonus by referring new campers next summer?
29.The camp staff were positive, trustworthy role models who took good care of my child during his/her session.
30.If your child was seen in the infirmary during the session, did you feel your child got the attention that he/she needed?
31.My child’s dietary restrictions were met by the offered meals or substitutions.
32.Please add any comments about your child's dietary restrictions here:
33.How would your child rate the meals at camp?
Very Good
34.What were your child’s favorite meals?
35.What were your child’s least favorite meals?
36.What menu item would you like to see added next year?
37.My camper felt that the portions of the meals were plentiful.
38.My child enjoyed having salad bar and fruit available at all lunches/dinners.
Please complete if you attended our annual Family Camp August 15-18. Next year's Family Camp will be August 14-17, 2025.
39.How did you find out about Family Camp?
40.What was your favorite activity at Family Camp?
41.What was your least favorite activity at Family Camp
42.Please list any activity you would like to see added to Family Camp.
43.Was the per person price for Family Camp reasonable?
44.Please list any suggestions for Family Camp program improvement.
45.Do you have any suggestions for improving Camp Chanco?
46.Has your camper also attended diocesan EYC events at Chanco?
47.If yes, what events?
48.Would you like more information about joining the Chanco Parish Representative (CPR) program to help promote Camp Chanco at your church or area churches?

(CPR representatives also received discounts for camp and the eternal thanks of the board of directors)
49.Would you like more information about other Chanco programs such as Retreats and Family Camp?
50.Would you like more information for your camper about our paid Internship program for campers age 17?
51.Is there a friend who would like more information about summer camp? If so, please list name, address, and phone number.

(Remember! You may receive $100 off your own camp registration for every new camper you refer to us who registers!)