What do you think of rheumatology.org? We are very interested in your feedback and suggestions.

The fields with an asterisk * are required.

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* 1. Are you an ACR/ARP member?

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* 2. Did you visit rheumatology.org to access information for your professional role or as a patient / caregiver?

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* 3. How easy was it to find what you were looking for on rheumatology.org?

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* 4. Rate your satisfaction with the quality of the content on rheumatology.org (is it clear, useful, current, etc.)?

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* 5. What do you think of the visual look of rheumatology.org?

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* 6. Did you experience any issues on rheumatology.org?

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* 7. If you experienced issues, which issue(s) did you have (check all that apply)?

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* 8. How useful is rheumatology.org – does it meet your needs?

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* 9. Rate your overall experience using rheumatology.org.

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* 10. Comments / Suggestions – things you like, things you don’t like, things we should add, things we should improve on rheumatology.org

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* 11. If you would like us to follow up with you about your survey, please provide your contact information.  If you need help right away, please contact membership@rheumatology.org or education@rheumatology.org.