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Survey of Women in Enterprise 2025
It should take about 20 minutes to complete the questions in this survey.
Providing additional comments and information where requested helps us to understand your experience, but this will take a little longer.
This survey ensures women’s experiences are captured and this work is a key part of the Women's Enterprise Scotland (WES) commitment to tackle the gender gap in enterprise participation. Some responses may be used by WES as quotes, but these will not be attributed to individuals.
All data provided in this survey will be anonymous and will be kept securely for the purposes of this research study only. Data will not be shared with any third party.
Thank you for your support in taking time to complete this crucial survey of women-owned and women-led businesses in Scotland. Your experiences equip us to make a meaningful difference for all women business owners and the next generation of women entrepreneurs.
Questions marked * require an answer for analysis purposes. There are six sections in total.