We are interested in your views on how you and other people use green spaces in the local area.

We will use this information to inform the development of an exciting new landscape scale conservation project that is working with farmers and landowners to improve the area for nature and to provide greater opportunity for people to experience nature and benefit from being outdoors.

The survey should take 5-10 minutes to complete and has up to 22 questions, dependent on your answers.

The data that we are collecting is for research purposes only. Your responses will be reported in an aggregated format (anonymised) and you will not be contacted as a result of taking part. The survey includes open text options, and it is important to note that these written comments may be reported in whole or part and shared within the Wareham Arc Project partners. Please therefore do not include any personal information that may identify you.

Our full privacy policy can be found here: www.rspb.org.uk/legal-and-policy/privacy-policy

Question Title

* How often do you spend time in green spaces ?

Question Title

* Why do you visit green spaces?
(Please tick all that apply)