
You have been invited to participate in this survey as a researcher working in Western Australia (WA).

Below you will find important information about the survey and your participation. Completion of this survey indicates that you have read and understood the information below, and consent to participate in this survey.

What is this survey about?
Research Australia is pleased to be working alongside the Western Australian Government to support the implementation of the Western Australian Health and Medical Research Strategy by investigating health and medical research capacity, strengths and opportunities in WA.

As part of this work, we are conducting this brief survey to find out about Western Australian researchers’ experiences of research funding and existing strengths in the research focus areas, partnership opportunities, the areas of research where there are gaps in funding and the opportunities to leverage existing expertise to cement WA’s position as a leader in health and medical research.

What do I need to do?
In this survey you will be asked questions about your research, its activities, funding and collaborations, as well as your expert opinions on priorities and opportunities for future development.

Because the survey asks questions about specific research projects and areas of expertise, we ask all individual researchers to complete the survey separately.

The survey should take about 15-20 minutes to complete, depending on how much detail you choose to provide.

What about my privacy?
The survey is able to be completed anonymously. There are some places in the survey where you have the opportunity to provide additional information about your research. If you choose to provide specific information about your research projects or publications in response to any question in this survey, you need to be aware this may make your responses identifiable.

Your privacy is important to us. Any personal information provided in connection with this survey will remain confidential as far as the law allows. If you have any concerns about your privacy, please contact us to discuss the matter.

Do I have to participate?
This survey is entirely voluntary: you are not obliged to participate and if you decide to participate, you are free to withdraw at any time without having to give a reason, and without consequence. Simply close your web browser to withdraw from participating. However, please note that once you have submitted your survey anonymously, your responses cannot be withdrawn.

There is little risk related to participating in this survey and we do not envisage that the survey questions will raise any sensitive issues. However, should this occur for you, you may take a break, or choose not to continue with the survey.

What will you do with my responses?
Your survey responses will be stored securely and only the researchers involved will have access to the results. In Research Australia’s final reporting of the survey, respondents will be anonymous, with only de-identified data and analysis released.

The results of this survey will provide information about how to best strengthen Western Australia’s leadership in health and medical research. It is aimed to benefit all those involved in the health and medical research landscape by providing information to inform further consultations and contributing to a cohesive picture of WA’s research activity, strengths and opportunities.

What if I have questions?
If you want any further information about this project please contact Frances Cook, Senior Adviser Special Projects on frances.cook@researchaustralia.org

To start the survey, click 'next' below.