Questionnaire for ad supply actors (VSPs and AVMSS)

This survey is part of a study being conducted on behalf of the European Commission by Deloitte and SMIT (Vrije Universiteit Brussel) on the implementation and transposition of the new provisions in the revised Audiovisual Media Services Directive (AVMSD), which was updated in 2018 to include video sharing platforms (VSPs).

Among other purposes, the AVMSD is aimed at protecting consumers of audiovisual media services and VSPs and contains provisions related to advertising applicable to both types of services.

Your answers to the questions below will be of great assistance to this investigation and contribute to expanding the expertise on the implementation of the new provisions. In answering please consider all of the different kinds of services your company provides and not just your core service, but please also be clear when giving examples to what part of your service it applies so we can see any differences across different types of services.

We appreciate any answers that you provide, so if you do not have answers to all, please do answer those you can. You may contact Sally Broughton Micova at with any questions regarding this survey.

Please be as specific as possible and give examples where possible. Feel free to include links to material or examples you think might be relevant.

Thank you for your participation!

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* 1. Kindly provide the below information.

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* 2. What are the different types of advertising inventory that you offer on your platform?

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* 3. In what ways do you offer targeted or addressable options and what type of data enables such offers?

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* 4. What are the different ways that an advertiser can place an ad on your platforms?

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* 5. How would you describe your arrangements with supply side trading platforms and ad exchanges?

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* 6. Besides the placing of ad inventory are there any other functinoalities that you offer to advertisers? Describe any.

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* 7. To what extent do you provide performance related data on your targeted or addressable advertising (such as views or other indicators of end-user reach and action)?

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* 8. At what point, if any, do you have any control over the content of ads placed?

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* 9. What conditions do you have for advertisers on the characteristics of their ads or their placement?

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* 10. Do you have any oversight over the ads placed? If so, what does that look like?

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* 11. How often, if ever, do you have to take down or refuse advertising? How long does it take to make such decisions?

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* 12. Do you have data on any complaints you may have received about lack of transparency in commercial communications on your service?

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* 13. How frequently do you update guidelines for advertisers?

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* 14. What are the biggest challenges for your company with the implementation of the obligations related to commercial communications as envisaged for video sharing platforms in article 28b of the revised AVMSD?

Please click Done to submit your answers. Thank you for your participation!