As you may be aware Canada will soon enter into renegotiation with the United States and Mexico on the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA).
The Trade Policy and Negotiations Branch in the BC Ministry of Jobs, Trade, and Technology is leading the development of the Province’s positions and interests in the NAFTA renegotiation. The Province is interested to hear about your experience in the United States and Mexico, and whether you are encountering any barriers (e.g., non-tariff barriers etc.) exporting and importing goods and services to and from these markets.

Please complete the survey below to aid in the development of the Province’s negotiating positions. 

While the information received may be shared with other provincial and territorial governments participating in these negotiations, as well as the Government of Canada, your comments will be shared without attribution and firm-specific information will be treated in confidence.

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* 1. Is your organization currently exporting or importing goods or services to the United States and Mexico?
Please provide approximate percentage of exports/imports to/from the United States and Mexico.

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* 2. To your knowledge, are your export/import activities adversely affected by non-tariff measures, including government incentives and subsidies, adopted by any of these countries? If so, please describe.

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* 3. Are there other issues or concerns that you would like Canadian and provincial negotiators to be aware of?
If so, please provide any relevant background or context.

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* 4. Do you have any plans in the future to diversify your exports/import to/from other markets? If so, which ones?

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* 5. We are very interested in the supply chains used in goods that you export/import. Can you please provide, if applicable, some background information so we have a better idea of where the various inputs to finished goods or services are generated?

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* 6. NAFTA does not currently apply to labour (i.e. on-site labour). If it did, do you expect it would allow for a more mobile construction workforce between all three countries, especially on a temporary basis? Please comment.

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* 7. If you wish to be contacted should any follow up be required, please fill in your details below.