Please take a few minutes to complete this short evaluation survey. Your feedback will assist us in the planning and quality improvement. All your answers will remain confidential. We appreciate your time and feedback.

Question Title

* 1. First name

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* 2. Last name

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* 3. Would you be interested in your Practice Manager undertaking this type of Masterclass?

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* 4. How likely is it that your Practice Manager would attend this one-day Masterclass assuming the content was of value to the practice?

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* 5. As a clinician what topics would you like to see covered in the one-day Practice Manager Masterclass update?

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* 6. Would you also be interested in your clinic nurse attending such a Masterclass?

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* 7. How likely are you to attend the annual Skin Cancer Summit in 2019?

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* 8. What are your main reasons for attending annual conferences on skin cancer medicine?

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* 9. What topics would you be interested to learn about in the annual Skin Cancer Summit?

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* 10. What speakers would you be interested to see?

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* 11. If you compare the HealthCert Skin Cancer Summit to the favourite annual conferences you attend, what could we do better to enhance your experience (topics, delivery format, speakers, social activities, etc)