Since 1998, the annual SA Environment Awards have celebrated South Australians who give their time, expertise and passion on behalf of our precious natural environment.

To view award criteria for each category, visit

Question Title

* 1. Award Category Nominated (you may apply for more than one category)

Question Title

* 2. Nominee details

Question Title

* 3. If nominated by someone else

Question Title

* 4. Is the nominee aware of the nomination?

Question Title

* 5. May we contact your nominee prior to judging?

Question Title

* 6. Referee: Please indicate someone who is conversant with the nominee’s achievements and who has agreed to act as a referee for this nomination

Nomination Statement
Your Nomination Statement should include a clear description of the reasons you feel the Award Criteria for the category or categories chosen has been met by the nominee.

Question Title

* 7. Summary.
Please summarise your nomination statement in no more than three sentences.

Question Title

* 8. Full Nomination Statement (No more than 500 words)

Please note the judges will be basing their decision on the information submitted In this statement - please ensure all details (including name spelling and qualifications) are correct.