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Application Form

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Drawings of people and speech bubbles are shown on top of a globe icon.

Inclusion International’s 18th World Congress will be held from September 15 - 17, 2025.

This is a big conference where our network comes together.

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The flag of the United Arab Emirates is shown. It is red, green, white, and a black.

The World Congress will be in Sharjah, in the United Arab Emirates. This is close to Dubai.

It will be co-hosted by our member, Sharjah City for Humanitarian Services (SCHS).

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A clipboard, with a pen, and a big green check mark over the clipboard.

If you want to lead a session, please apply through this form.

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A calendar shows the month of January 2025.

You must fill out this form before February 28th, 2025.
If you have any questions before you apply, you can contact Kimber at kimber@inclusion-international.org.

What are the rules for the sessions?

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Three people's faces are shown on top of the world. Each person has a speech bubble coming from their mouth.
There must be people from different countries speaking in each session.

To help you do this you can contact other Inclusion International members or other organisations to host a session together.

If you do not know who to contact, you can still apply, and the programme committee can put your session together with someone else's.

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A woman with short black hair and a green sweater is standing behind a podium with a microphone.

You must have at least one self-advocate or family member speaking.

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7 hands with different skin tones are reaching into a circle giving a thumbs up.

Your session must be about inclusion.

Sessions that are about segregation or “special” activities - for example, sheltered workshops or special schools - will not be accepted, unless the session is about how to close them.
If you need help to make sure your session follows these rules, you can contact Kimber.
What are the types of sessions I could plan?

There are three types of sessions at the World Congress.

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A woman wearing a yellow hijab and a red dress stands in front of a school chalkboard.

Learn Sessions:

These sessions will teach people about a good way of working. It will be like a “how-to ”session.

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5 people are sitting in a small group, talking.

Engage Sessions:

These are small sessions where the people in the room will work together.

Everyone in the room will talk and take part in the activity.

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A group of three people sit in chairs. One is holding a microphone.
Impact Sessions:

These sessions will be about the different ways to solve big issues.

There will be a few speakers, and they will all share stories and examples of what they did to solve a problem in their country.
If you have any questions before you apply, you can contact Kimber at kimber@inclusion-international.org.
About You

In this section, please fill out some information about you.

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A finger points to a woman in a pink shirt and a brown hijab.

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What is your name?

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A yellow envelope is open with the email symbol inside.

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What is your email address?

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A green icon of a phone.

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What is your phone number?

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A red question mark next to an image of the globe.

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Which country do you live in?

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A pink office building with a group of people connected to it.

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* Which organisation do you come from?

If you are applying as an individual, please write "none."

About the Host

In this section, tell us about who will plan and lead the session. This is called being the "host" of the session.

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* Who will plan and lead this session?

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* If you are applying to run a session together with another organisation, please write the name, organisation, and email address of the other organisation here.

Please fill this out if you and someone else are applying to lead a session together. This helps make sure you both get email updates about your application.

About Your Session

In this section, please tell us more about the session you would like to plan at the World Congress.

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A white piece of paper with a checklist on it

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What is your session called?

This is your "session title." This is what would be listed on the programme as the name of your session.

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What kind of session would you like to lead at the World Congress?

There are three types of sessions. Please choose the one that matches the session you would like to plan.

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* Is your session about one of these big issues?

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Tell us what your session will be about.

<strong><br><br>Tell us what your session will be about.</strong>

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Explain your session in just 2 or 3 sentences.

This is what people will read to help them decide if they want to come to your session.

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Explain what will happen in the session.

<strong>Explain what will happen in the session.</strong>

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* Please include:
  • the topics you will focus on
  • a short agenda for your session
  • the examples that will be shared in your session

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Who will speak in the session?

A group of people sits together speaking at an event.

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* Please list the names and organisations of the speakers. Say who the self-advocate or family speakers are.

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If you are applying to run an "ENGAGE" type of session, what activity will you be asking the group to do together?

A group sits in a small circle, talking.

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* Please tell us about the activity the group will do.

For example, it could be a consultation, or small group work.

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* Who is the main audience for your session?

Which group do you think your session would be the most interesting for? Who would you want to come?

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What language will your session be in?

Speech bubbles with flags representing different languages sit on top of an image of the globe.

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Tell us what language you and your speakers will use:

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What do you want people at the World Congress to learn from your session?

A group of people hold up a sign with a picture of a megaphone on it.

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Tell us about the messages or big ideas you want to share with people.

What next?

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A magnifying glass inspects a paper with writing on it.

Inclusion International's Programme Committee will review your application.

You will hear back in March about if your session is accepted.

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A checklist - one item is a checkmark, another is an "X", and the third is a question mark.
Lots of people will apply to run sessions about the same things, so some ideas will be put together into one session. This means:

  • Your session could be accepted with no changes
  • Your session might be accepted, but you will be asked to work with another organisation to lead the session together
  • You might be asked to be a speaker on a different session or panel instead

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A crossroads sign with two arrows - one points to yes, and the other points to no.

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If your session is not accepted in full, are you willing to be a speaker in a different session instead?

If you have any questions or if you need help to submit your application, you can contact Kimber at kimber@inclusion-international.org.